

1. NAME:  The club shall be called ” The Leonberger Club” hereinafter referred to as the club.

2. OBJECTIVES:  The objectives of the club shall be: –

  • 2.1 To encourage breeding and exhibition of dogs conforming to New Zealand Kennel Club Breed Standards.
  • 2.2 To hold recognized Shows, and meetings.
  • 2.3 To provide or assist in the provision of facilities to hold Shows, and meetings.
  • 2.4 To promote friendship and mutual support among dog owners and fanciers.
  • 2.5 To support other clubs recognized by the New Zealand Kennel Club.
  • 2.6 To promote the well being of dogs in general and Leonbergers in particular.
  • 2.7 To educate dog owners regarding canine health in general, as well as genetic problems and their avoidance.

3. MEMBERSHIP:  The club shall consist of an unlimited number of persons as Life Members, Honorary Life Members or Active Members. Patrons may be appointed. There may be any number of Patrons.


  • 4.1 Honorary Members:  The Annual General Meeting may by resolution elect Honorary Members to the club provided that the committee has received at least 7 days prior notice from the proposer and seconder who shall both be financial members of the club, and provided that committee has approved such nomination. Such Honorary Members shall be exempt from all subscriptions and enjoy full membership privileges.
  • 4.2 International Members:  Any person not residing in New Zealand may become a member of the club. Membership shall commence from payment of the appropriate fee.
  • 4.3 Active Members:  Any person may become a member of the club. Membership shall commence from payment of the appropriate fee.
  • 4.4 Junior Membership:  Junior members will 15 years of age or younger. Junior members have no voting rights.
  • 4.5 Family Members:  A family shall consist of two adults and any number of their children. Those family members aged 15 years and under shall have the same rights as junior members. All other family members shall have the same rights as Active Members.

5. FINANCIAL YEAR:   The club’s financial year shall commence on the first day of April and end on the thirty-first day of March each year.

6. SUBSCRIPTIONS:   The annual subscription for members for the ensuing year will be determined by the outgoing committee at the Annual General Meeting.

7. MANAGEMENT:  The executive officers of the club shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Banker. The committee shall consist of at least six members of the club (including the executive officers). The executive officers shall be deemed to be members of the committee and the word “committee” in these rules shall hereinafter be understood to mean the officers and committee jointly unless otherwise stated.


  • Only Life Members and members who are financial are eligible for election as executive officers or committee members. 
  • They shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and must be either nominated in writing prior to the Annual General Meeting or nominated from the floor at the Annual General Meeting.
  •  Each candidate must be duly proposed and seconded by financial members of the club and the candidate need not necessarily be present at the Annual General Meeting provided he or she has signified in writing his or her consent to nomination. E-mail is acceptable. 
  • Where the number of candidates who have been duly proposed and seconded exceeds the number to be elected, a secret ballot shall be held among those financial members present at the Annual General Meeting. 
  • The honorary officers shall be elected by the same procedure as for executive officers and committee as outlined above.

9. VACANCIES: In the case of a vacancy arising on the committee from any cause whatsoever, that body shall have power to fill such vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

10. DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE:  The officers and committee as a whole are charged with full control and management of the affairs and business of the club.

  • 10.1 Duties of President:   To Chair at all general and committee meetings. To keep a register of all members.
  • 10.2 Duties of Vice-Presidents:  To stand in for President as required.
  • 10.3 Duties of Secretary: To keep minutes of all general and committee meetings.  –To read and file all communications and present same to next committee meeting. -To conduct correspondence as directed by committee.  –To forward any monetary payments received with correspondence to the Banker.
  • 10.4 Duties of Treasurer:to assist and liaise with Banker  –To reconcile all on-line banking transactions and receipt where necessary. – To maintain the club membership list. – To keep full accounts of all monies received and paid out. – To present to the Annual General Meeting a duly reviewed statement of income and expenditure, and a balance sheet showing assets, liabilities and accumulated funds.
  • 10.5 Duties of Banker: – to assist and liaise with Treasurer To receive all physical monies and issue receipts.  To pay all physical money into club’s account.  To pay all accounts passed by the committee.  To keep treasurer informed of above details.  Receipt of hard-copy membership forms. – To have receipt books, bank deposit book, cheque book and all account books available at each committee meeting or at any time for the Reviewer.
  • 10.6 Duties of Committee: To meet regularly to conduct club’s affairs.


  • The committee shall meet as often as it shall deem necessary, but a minimum of three times a year. Fourteen clear days notice of any committee meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all its members.
  • The President, Secretary or four ordinary committee members may call a committee meeting.
  • Meetings may be conducted by telephone conference or internet.
  • In absence of the President and Vice-President, the meeting shall elect a Chairperson from among their number.
  • A quorum shall consist of five members
  • The Chairperson shall have a deliberative vote and in the case of an equality of votes, shall also have a casting vote.
  • The agenda for the meeting shall consist of:- Apologies, Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising,  Correspondence,  Financial report and accounts,  General business in which any member may introduce any matter pertaining to the management of the club and its affairs.


12.1 Annual General Meetings

  • 12.1.1 Annual General Meeting to be held at a date set by the current committee, and to be as soon as possible after closing of the financial year.
  • 12.1.2 Annual reports and reviewed balance sheets must be tabled.
  • 12.1.3 Members to be advised in writing of Annual General Meeting at least 14 days prior to meeting.
  • 12.1.4 Order of business shall be: Roll Call – Apologies – Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting –  President’s Report –  Financial Report and Balance Sheet –  Subscriptions for ensuing year –  Election of Honorary Officers, Executive Officers and Committee –  Notices of Motion –  Honorariums –  General Business

12.2 Special General Meeting

  • 12.2.1 A Special General Meeting may be called by resolution of the committee or on request in writing to the Secretary signed by any ten financial members.
  • 12.2.2 Special General Meeting must be held within 21 days of such request.
  • 12.2.3 Members must be advised in writing of Special General Meeting and the business to be conducted at it and at least 14 days prior to meeting. Such advice may be given by E-mail.
  • 12.2.4 No business other than that for which due notice has been given shall be transacted.
  • 12.3 Chairperson:  In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall act as Chairperson at either the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.  If both the President and Vice-President are absent, the Chairperson shall be elected from among the officers/committee present.


13.1 At any committee meeting, five members shall form a quorum. At any general meeting six financial members shall form a quorum. At least three of these members must be committee members.

13.2 A quorum must be present for a meeting to be held.


  • 14.1 At all meetings of the club unless otherwise stated, only life members and financial members in attendance are eligible to vote.
  • 14.2 In all voting unless otherwise stated, a simple majority shall determine the result. In the case of elections the highest polling candidate(s) shall be elected.
  • 14.3 In all elections where the number of candidates exceed the number of positions available, voting shall be by secret ballot.
  • 14.4 All voting other than elections shall be by voices, by show of hands, or by secret ballot if any two members so require.
  • 14.5 Before a secret ballot is held, two scrutineers shall be appointed to count the votes.
  • 14.6 In all voting the chairperson shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote.
  • 14.7 Meetings may be held via internet or telephone conference.


15.1 Resignation: A member may resign at any time by giving notice in writing to the committee.

15.2 Expulsion: The committee shall have power to cancel the membership of any member who either:

  • 15.2.1 Is in arrears of subscription at time of AGM, provided 14 days notice in writing has been given of the committee’s intention to cancel membership; or
  • 15.2.2 Who has been found by the committee to have acted in an undesirable or dishonorable manner concerning matters affecting the club, or acting in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the club.

15.3 Hearing to Expel Member:  Where 15.2.2 is applicable the committee must request the member concerned to attend a special committee meeting and be allowed an advocate to speak upon the matter. The member must be given seven clear days notice in writing. The notice must specify and give full details of the charge and the actions giving rise to the charge and state the possible penalties that could be imposed. A member expelled under this rule shall have the power of appeal at a Special General Meeting of members called for this purpose. Such member shall have further right of appeal to the New Zealand Kennel Club.

15.4. Liabilities of Member Ceasing Membership:  Any member resigning or expelled shall within seven days return all club property. Expulsion or resignation does not release the member from liability for monies due to, or entitle the member to receive back any money paid to the club.

15.5 Claim on Club Property:  Any member resigning or expelled has no claim on any property owned by the club.


  • 16.1 The rules of the club may be altered, added to, or rescinded on the resolution of a 2/3 majority of members present at any General Meeting of which at least 14 days notice has been given in writing to all members.
  • 16.2 No addition to or alteration or revision of the Pecuniary Profit clause or the Winding Up clause shall be approved without the approval of the Inland Revenue Department.
  • 16.3 All alterations shall be notified and approved by the New Zealand Kennel Club before the general meeting.
  • 16.4 All alterations must be registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies (if applicable) in the prescribed manner

17. COMMON SEAL (If applicable):  The common seal shall be under the control of the committee and in the custody of the Secretary. It shall be affixed by the Secretary to such documents as the committee shall direct.

18. PECUNIARY PROFIT:  No member or person associated with a member of the club shall derive any income, benefit or financial advantage from the club where they can materially influence the payment of the income, benefit or advantage. Except where the income, benefit or advantage is derived from:

18.1 Professional services to the organisation rendered in the course of business charged at no greater rate than the current market rates; or  ALL members who may be interested or concerned directly or indirectly shall disclose the nature and extent of their interest to the committee.


  • 19.1 The club may be wound up if the members at any general meeting pass a resolution requiring the club to be dissolved and this resolution is confirmed at a subsequent general meeting called for that purpose.
  • 19.2 Upon the dissolution of the club, any assets after payment of all liabilities shall be frozen. The outgoing committe shall decide the use to which any assets may be put.
  • 19.3 On any dissolution or winding up of the aforesaid no payment in money or distribution of assets or other benefits whatsoever shall be paid, applied or distributed to any member past or present for the personal benefit of such member or members.

20. BORROWING POWERS:  At this stage the Club shall have no borrowing powers.

21. GENERAL:  If any case occurs which is not provided for in these rules a course of action shall be determined by the committee and their decision will be final.